GradeMe - Free Customized Exam Platform

Helping students prepare for TNPSC, TNUSRB, TRB, NEET, NEET PG, JEE Main, and JEE Advanced with unique, customized tests for each individual.

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We respect your privacy. We don't collect any personal details like mobile numbers or emails. And, we won't force you to buy our tests. It's all about your choice!

Why GradeMe?

At GradeMe, our mission is to provide students with a unique and personalized learning experience through customized tests for TNPSC, TNUSRB, TRB, NEET, NEET PG, JEE Main, and JEE Advanced. Our founder had a vision to create an inclusive platform offering free, quality education for students in need. Through determination and passion, GradeMe has become a valuable resource for countless students, providing tailored and effective test preparation.

We understand that every student has different needs, and we pride ourselves on offering customized tests based on the exam pattern suggested by you. This approach ensures that your child is prepared in a unique way, setting them apart from others in the future. While other websites offer common questions that all students attempt, GradeMe focuses on delivering personalized assessments tailored to each individual.

If you've already subscribed to a paid test series on another platform, don't worry – GradeMe offers a second opinion for free. A second opinion is always good, especially when it's free! Our questions are designed to test your understanding of the subject and will be unique from those on other platforms. We aim to provide a comprehensive learning experience that not only prepares students for their exams but also enhances their subject knowledge.

Our dedicated founder has worked tirelessly to make GradeMe the exceptional platform it is today. By offering free, quality education and support to students in need, we believe we are making a real difference in the lives of countless individuals. With GradeMe, students can train in a unique way and stand out among their peers, ensuring a bright future.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or inquiries, feel free to reach out to us at or via our Telegram ID: We're here to help!